HPCRS – High Pressure Condensate Recovery System
HPCRS – High Pressure Condensate Recovery System

HPCRS – High Pressure Condensate Recovery System

Thermax offers High Pressure Condensate Recovery System (HPCRS) where recoverable condensate is more than 80% of the total steam consumption. The term HPCRS refers to recovering the condensate directly to the boiler shell and injecting it into water space without entering it into feed water tank.

With this system we eliminate condensate flashing as flashing reduces the pressure and temperature of condensate. The heat of both flash steam & condensate cannot be held by BFW in a FW tank as, feed water temperature is likely to go above 100 deg C if condensate & flash are recovered in FW tank.

Also since condensate temperature is close to saturation, significantly less fuel is required to generate the same amount of steam. The system is estimated to give fuel saving between 10 to 20 %, when compared with conventional atmospheric condensate recovery system.

HPCRS is operated by PLC based controlled system with key specialized products like high temperature Centrifugal Pump, Control valve, Pressurized tank, Condensate pumping system to handle very high condensate temperature and as well as pressure.

Product Features
  • 100% condensate heat and water Recovery is achievede.
  •  No flashing of condensate either at process house or at feed water tank within the Boiler House.
  •  Boiler Operating Capacity is enhanced.
  •  Due to high temperature condensate entering water space, steam pressure fluctuation eliminated.
  •  Saving in water treatment cost.
  •  Saving in water due to flash recovery as against conventional condensate recovery system.

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